Miking Workshop 2024
December 4, 2024, KTH Campus, Digital Futures Hub, Stockholm, Sweden
Welcome to the 3rd Miking workshop! Miking is an open-source project developed mainly at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, with several collaborators within Sweden and internationally. The framework is a meta-language system for creating domain-specific languages and tools. For more information, please see the vision paper, the Miking webpage, or the GitHub pages. In this year's workshop, you will be exposed to the latest developments of the framework. There will be informal hacking sessions, technical talks, and research talks. Please bring your laptop!
The workshop is free of charge and includes lunch, coffee, and Swedish fika. The format is hybrid. That is, it is possible to attend both in person, and online using Zoom. In both cases, you need to register (first come, first served). The workshop is organized together with Digital Futures. Several organizations have been funding research projects related to the Miking framework, including the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), Vinnova, and Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP).
Quick facts​
- Date: December 4, 2024
- Time: 10.00-17.00 (including lunch and fika, see below)
- Cost: Free of charge
- Format: Hybrid (in person or online via Zoom)
- Place: KTH Campus, Digital Futures Hub, Stockholm. For a map, see here.
REGISTRATION (Deadline November 28, end-of-day): REGISTER NOW! NOTE: the workshop is now fully booked, but you can still register for online participation or put your name on the waiting list.
10.00 Registration and Coffee
10.30 Welcome and Introduction to Miking.
Speaker: David Broman [slides]
11.15 Coffee break
11:30 Tutorial: Parsing with Miking using Resolvable Ambiguity
Speaker: Viktor Palmkvist
12.00 Lunch
13:00 Session 1: Next generation of Miking: Types and Tool Support
- Title: Language Composition through Product Extension and Its Use Cases for DSL Development. Speaker: Marten Voorberg [slides]
- Title: Empowering DSLs with Automated Language Server Generation. Speaker: Didrik Munther [slides]
13:30 Hacking session 1: Getting started and playing around
Organizers: The Miking core team
14:15 Session 2: Optimized and Efficient Domain-Specific Languages
- Title: Partial Evaluation of Automatic Differentiation for Differential-Algebraic Equations Solvers. Speaker: Oscar Ericsson [slides]
- Title: Trellis: A Domain-Specific Language for Hidden Markov Models with Sparse Transitions. Speaker: Lars Hummelgren [slides]
- Title: Automated Inference Optimizations in the Probabilistic Programming Language Miking CorePPL. Speaker: Gizem Caylak [slides]
15.00 Coffee break
15:30 Session 3: TreePPL - Phylogenetic Inference using Miking
- Title: Phylogenetic Inference Problems: a Brief Introduction. Speaker: Fredrik Ronquist [slides]
- Title: TreePPL: a DSL in Miking for Phyologenetics. Speaker: Viktor Senderov [slides]
- Title: Implementing a Complex Biological Model in TreePPL. Speaker: Mariana P Braga [slides]
- Title: Rapid prototyping with TreePPL using Jupyter Notebook. Speaker: Jan Kudlicka [slides]
16.30 Hacking session 2: Try out your favorite DSL or hack on the compiler
Organizers: The Miking core team
17.00 Conclusions and more happy hacking!