MLang tutorial
MLang is a superset of MExpr, and is used to define and compose reusable language fragments. It also supports top-level definitions and simple file inclusion. The definitions can be translated into pure MExpr definitions, and can be run as any other MExpr programs.
Top-Level Definitions and Includes​
Values, types, and data constructors can be defined top-level,
before the mexpr
keyword of an MCore program. The syntax is
identical to that of the corresponding MExpr definitions, without
the trailing in
let id = lam x. x
type T
con Foo : Int -> T
utest id (Foo 42) with Foo 42 in
The translation into MExpr is straightforward: the definitions are
simply moved into the beginning of the mexpr
program. The
usefulness of top-level definitions becomes more apparent when
adding included files. A file can be included using the syntax
include "path/to/"
before any top-level definitions in a file.
The string is a file path relative to the file that contains the include
To refer to files from other libraries, the path can be prefixed with a namespace using the syntax
include ""
The environment variable MCORE_LIBS
specifies the location associated with each namespace as a colon-separated list of name=path
For instance, with MCORE_LIBS=mylib=/path/to/mylib
, the snippet above would include the file /path/to/mylib/
The standard library namespace stdlib
is used as a fallback path to search from if no namespace is given and the file is not found relative to the original file.
Files are included transitively in a depth-first fashion, and files that are included from several files are only included once.
File inclusions that form a loop are not allowed.
Including a file is equivalent to inserting all the top-level definitions of that file. There are no namespaces and no disambiguation; if a name defined in an included file is shadowed in the including file, the included definition becomes unavailable.
Language Fragments​
A language fragment contains definitions of (abstract) syntax, and
semantics ("interpreters") for that fragment. Any number of
language fragments can be defined before the mexpr
keyword in an
MCore program. For example, here is a language fragment for simple
lang Arith
syn Expr =
| Num Int
| Add (Expr, Expr)
sem eval =
| Num n -> Num n
| Add (e1,e2) ->
match eval e1 with Num n1 then
match eval e2 with Num n2 then
Num (addi n1 n2)
else error "Not a number"
else error "Not a number"
The fragment defines a syntactic form with two cases called
, and an interpreter called eval
. An interpreter in MLang
is a function that is always defined by cases over its last
argument (here, eval
takes only a single argument). The body of
a case is a regular MExpr term, which has access to the name of
the value (if any) carried by the current syntactic form.
In the main MExpr program, a language fragment can be opened by
a use
use Arith in
utest eval (Add (Num 2, Num 3)) with Num 5 in
A use
is translated into a series of MExpr definitions that
match the syntax and semantics of the specified language fragment.
An important feature of language fragments is that they can be
composed to form new language fragments. As an example, we might
want to extend our arithmetics language with booleans and if
lang MyBool
syn Expr =
| True()
| False()
| If (Expr, Expr, Expr)
sem eval =
| True() -> True()
| False() -> False()
| If(cnd,thn,els) ->
let cndVal = eval cnd in
match cndVal with True() then eval thn
else match cndVal with False() then eval els
else error "Not a boolean"
lang ArithBool = Arith + MyBool end
use ArithBool in
utest eval (Add (If (False(), Num 0, Num 5), Num 2)) with Num 7 in
The language fragment ArithBool
is indistinguishable from a
language fragment with all the syntactic and semantic cases of
and MyBool
merged. If we wanted, we could have added new
cases to the language composition as well, and refer to the syntax
and semantics of the fragments being composed:
lang ArithBool = Arith + MyBool
syn Expr =
| IsZero Expr
sem eval =
| IsZero e ->
match eval e with Num n then
if eqi n 0 then True() else False()
error "Not a number"