MExpr tutorial
One design objective of MExpr is to make the concrete syntax very close to the abstract syntax of the language. That is, no syntactic sugar is introduced to the concrete MCore syntax. The MExpr language is not intended to be a general-purpose programming language. Instead, the aim of MCore is to be a core language that other languages can be translated into.
Nevertheless, to understand the Miking system, it is a good idea to learn to write basic programs directly as MCore expressions.
In the end, an MCore file .mc
is always translated into an MCore expression. If an MCore file contains mexpr 5
, it means that the final expression of the program is value 5
. That is, mexpr
states the start of the program and is followed by the actual MExpr of the program. If the keyword mexpr
is left out of the file, a default mexpr unit value ()
is the resulting value.
Unit Test Expressions​
When writing MCore programs, it is typically done by writing explicit unit tests as part of the code. For instance
utest addi 1 2 with 3 in
checks that the addition of 1
and 2
is in fact 3
. To run the tests in an .mc
file, run the mi
command with argument test
(assuming that you have now installed mi
in your path):
mi run --test
Typically when you develop MCore programs, you do not use the print
function. Instead, you write unit tests directly and then leave the units tests as is directly after your function. By doing so, you test your code, write regression tests, and document the informal semantics of your program directly. We strongly encourage you to develop your MCore programs this way.
In the rest of this document, we omit the mexpr
keyword for brevity, and just write the MExpr itself. Remember to add it as appropriate when trying the various examples.
The equality between the left-hand and right-hand sides in a utest is automatically deduced for many expressions. However, if you want to compare more complex language structures, or want to define equality in a different way, you can supply a custom equality function as, e.g.,
utest addi 1 2 with 0 using neqi in ()
where neqi : Int -> Int -> bool
returns true
if two integers are not equal. Moreover, when a test fails the left-hand and right-hand sides are pretty printed to standard out. For more complex expressions you may have to or want to modify this string representation. There is therefore an option to supply a custom toString : a -> b -> String
function to utests with the following syntax (a
and b
are the types of the left-hand and right-hand sides, respectively)
utest addi 1 2 with 0 using neqi else lam l. lam r. "1+2 should not be 0" in ()
The function lam l. lam r. "1+2 should not be 0"
is only applied to the left-hand and right-hand sides of the of utest if the test fails.
MCore contains a number of built-in values (intrinsics) and predefined functions and constants (part of the standard library). For instance,
print "Hello\n"
uses the built-in function print
which has the type String -> ()
, i.e., it prints a string and returns the unit type.
The current documentation of intrinsics is implicit via code
containing utest
expressions. Please see the following files:
Let Expressions​
Expressions can be given names using let
expressions. For instance
let x = addi 1 2 in
introduces a new name x
. The built-in function addi
performs an addition between two integers. Note that MCore uses a call-by-value evaluation order, which means that expressions are evaluated into a value before they are applied to a function or substituted using a let
expression. Hence, the expression addi 1 2
is evaluated before it is substituted for x
in the rest of the expression.
Functions are always defined anonymously as lambda functions. If you would like to give a function a name, a let
expression can be used. For instance, the following program defines a function double
that doubles the value of its argument.
let double = lam x. muli x 2 in
utest double 5 with 10 in
MExpr is statically typed, using a polymorphic type system based on FreezeML. If type annotations are omitted, types will be automatically inferred. However, types can also be explicitly expressed in MCore programs. For instance, the double
function can be written as
let double = lam x:Int. muli x 2 in
This means that double
has type Int -> Int
, which can also be expressed as part of the let
let double : Int -> Int = lam x. muli x 2 in
A function with several parameters are expressed using currying, using nested lambda expressions. For instance, expression
let foo = lam x. lam y. addi x y in
utest foo 2 3 with 5 in
creates a function foo
that takes two arguments.
A lambda can also be defined without a variable, e.g., lam. e
, where
is some expression representing the body of the function. Such
notation is useful if the actual variable is not used inside e
. Note
that lam. e
is syntactic sugar for a normal lambda lam #var"". e
where the identifier of the variable name is the empty identifier.
Sometimes an expression has a side effect and you are not interested
in the returned value. If that is the case, you can use the sequence
operator ;
. For instance, suppose you would like to print a value in
a function before it returns:
let foo = lam x.
print x;
The sequence operator ;
is not a construct of pure MExpr, but
syntactic sugar for a let
construct. For instance, the pure version
(without syntactic sugar) of the program above is as follows:
let foo = lam x.
let #var"" = print x in
Note that a variable with an empty identifier is used in the let
expression. Moreover, note that a let
let _ = foo x in ...
is syntactically not valid since let
expressions always bind a value to a variable. Underscore _
is a pattern and patterns are only allowed in match
Conditional expressions can be expressed using if
expressions. The program
let x = 5 in
let answer = if (lti x 10) then "yes" else "no" in
utest answer with "yes" in
checks if x
is less than 10 (using the lti
function with signature Int -> Int -> Bool
). If it is true, the string "yes"
is returned, else string "no"
is returned.
Note that an if
expression is not a construct in pure MExpr. It is syntactic sugar for a match
expression. That is, the expression
if x then e1 else e2
is translated into
match x with true then e1 else e2
A normal let
expression cannot be used to define recursive functions. Instead, recursion can be defined using recursive lets, starting with the recursive
let fact = lam n.
if eqi n 0
then 1
else muli n (fact (subi n 1))
utest fact 0 with 1 in
utest fact 4 with 24 in
Recursive lets can also be used to define mutually recursive functions. For instance:
let odd = lam n.
if eqi n 1 then true
else if lti n 1 then false
else even (subi n 1)
let even = lam n.
if eqi n 0 then true
else if lti n 0 then false
else odd (subi n 1)
utest odd 4 with false in
utest even 4 with true in
Product types can be expressed using tuples. An n-tuple is defined using syntax (e_1, ..., e_n)
where e_1
to e_n
are MCore expressions. Extracting a value from a tuple (projection) is performed using an expression e.n
where e
is the expression that is evaluated into a tuple, and n
is an integer number representing the index of an element in the tuple. The first index in a tuple is 0
For instance, in the MCore expression
let t = (addi 1 2, "hi", 80) in
utest t.0 with 3 in
utest t.1 with "hi" in
utest t.2 with 80 in
we create a 3-tuple t
and project out its values. Note that the different elements of a tuple can have different types. In this case, tuple t
has type (Int, String, Int)
Singleton tuples are also supported: (x,)
represents a tuple with x
as its
only element.
Another more general form of product types are records. A record has named fields that can have different types. For instance,
let r1 = {age = 42, name = "foobar"} in
defines a record of type {age : int, name : string}
. The order of the fields does not matter:
utest r1 with {age = 42, name = "foobar"} in
utest r1 with {name = "foobar", age = 42} in
To project out a value, a dot notation may be used.
utest r1.age with 42 in
utest with "foobar" in
It is possible to replace the value of a field using the with
let r = {x = 1, y = 1} in
utest {x = 1, y = 2} with {r with y = 2} in ()
A record type is not just a general product type in MCore, it is the only
product type. That is, a tuple is just syntactic sugar for a record. This means that the compiler encodes a tuple as a record, where the names of the fields are numbers 0
, 1
, etc. Labels can internally be any kind of string. For strings that cannot be defined as a normal identifier, the label form #label"x"
can be used, where x
is the string of the label.
The following example shows how a tuple is actually encoded as a record.
utest ("foo",5) with {#label"0" = "foo", #label"1" = 5} in ()
Data Types and match
Sum types or variant types are constructed using con
expressions (constructor expressions). In contrast to most other functional languages, the introduction of a new data type and the introduction of constructors are separated. For instance, the expression
type Tree in
con Node : (Tree,Tree) -> Tree in
con Leaf : (Int) -> Tree in
introduces a new data type Tree
and defines two new constructors Node
and Leaf
. Constructor Leaf
takes just one argument (an integer value for the leaf) and returns a tree, whereas the Node
constructor takes a tuple with two trees as input and constructs a new tree node.
For instance, the expression
let tree = Node(Node(Leaf 4, Leaf 2), Leaf 3) in
is a small tree named tree
Assume now that we want to count the sum of the values of all leafs in a tree. We can then write a recursive function that performs the counting.
let count = lam tree.
match tree with Node t then
let left = t.0 in
let right = t.1 in
addi (count left) (count right)
else match tree with Leaf v then v
else error "Unknown node"
The match
expression inside the count function deconstructs data values by matching against a given constructor. For instance, the match
match tree with Node t then expr1 else expr2
matches the value after evaluating expression tree
and checks if its outer most constructor is a Node
constructor. If that is the case, the identifier t
in expression expr1
is bound to the tuple consisting of the node's two sub trees (recall the definition of the constructor Node
). Finally, if we execute the test
utest count tree with 9 in ()
we can check that the function computes the result as intended.
Pattern matching​
In the previous match example, the match
construct matched against
the constructor, but not against the actual data content. MExpr is
designed to be simple with few language constructs, at the right level
of abstraction. If the abstraction level is too low, it is hard to
perform useful static analysis and code generation. As a consequence,
MExpr support patterns in match
expressions. The count
can be rewritten as
let count = lam tree.
match tree with Node(left,right) then
addi (count left) (count right)
else match tree with Leaf v then v
else error "Unknown node"
where the match construct matches against pattern Node(left,right)
where left
and right
are pattern variables.
Remember, however, that tuples are just syntactic sugar for records. Hence, match line
match tree with Node(left,right) then
is equivalent to the following
match tree with Node {#label"0"=left,#label"1"=right} then
where the pattern is a record pattern.
Pattern matching is the general form of deconstructing data in MExpr. Patterns can also be nested:
match {foo=7,bar={more="hello"}} with {foo=_,bar={more=str}} then str else ""
with "hello" in
Note also the use of wildcard patterns _
(used in the foo
field), which matches any value.
Finally, MExpr also supports more advanced patterns, including AND
patterns (using infix notation &
utest match (1, 2) with (a, _) & b then (a, b) else (0, (0, 0)) with (1, (1, 2)) in
patterns (using infix notation |
utest match K1 1 with K1 a | K2 a | K3 a then a else 0 with 1 in
and NOT
patterns (using the prefix notation !
utest match Some true with a & !(None ()) then a else Some false with Some true in
utest match None () with a & !(None ()) then a else Some false with Some false in
These are present to make it possible to translate order-dependent patterns to order-independent patterns. For example, in OCaml,
match (opt1, opt2) with
| (Some a, _) -> a
| (_, Some a) -> a
| (_, _) -> 1
is order-dependent; any change in pattern order changes which match-arm is executed. To express this in an order-independent manner we &
every pattern with the inverse (!
) of the union (|
) of the previous patterns. If we pretend for a moment that OCaml supports &
and !
in patterns they could then be written as:
match (opt1, opt2) with
| (Some a, _) -> a
| (_, Some a) & !(Some a, _) -> a
| (_, _) & !((Some a, _) | (_, Some a))-> 1
The order can now be changed freely without affecting the semantics. In practice &
and !
will probably rarely be used in manually written code, while |
is rather more useful.
An MCore sequence is constructed using syntax [e_1, ..., e_n]
. All elements in a sequence must have the same type. For instance, an expression
has type [Int]
whereas and expression
["this", "is", "a", "test"]
has type [String]
A string itself is actually a sequence of characters. Hence,
utest "foo" with ['f','o','o'] in ()
is correct. This means that the type String
is just an abbreviation for the sequence type [Char]
There are several operations defined for sequences, for instance, the concat
function concatenates two sequences
utest concat [1,3,5] [7,9] with [1,3,5,7,9] in ()
or the get
function picks out the nth element of a sequence
utest get [3,5,8,9] 2 with 8 in ()
The functions cons
can be used to prepend an element to a sequence.
utest cons 1 [2,3] with [1, 2, 3] in ()
The head and tail of a sequence can be obtaining using the functions head
and tail
utest head [1, 2, 3] with 1 in
utest tail [1, 2, 3] with [2, 3] in ()
It is also possible to pattern match on sequences, to either extract the tail of a sequence, if the first part matches
utest match "foobar" with "fo" ++ rest then rest else ""
with "obar" in
or the head of a sequence if the last part matches:
utest match "foobar" with first ++ "bar" then first else ""
with "foo" in
It is even possible to extract the middle of a sequence, if the head and the tail matches:
utest match "foobar" with "fo" ++ mid ++ "ar" then mid else ""
with "ob" in
Again, matching can be combined and nested:
utest match (1,[["a","b"],["c"]],76) with (1,b++[["c"]],76) then b else []
with [["a","b"]] in
Tensors are mutable data structures and can be of up to rank 16. The index of an element is represented as a sequence of integers.
We construct tensors using tensorCreateDense shape f
, where shape
is a sequence
denoting the shape of the tensor and f
is a function taking an index as an
argument and returning the element at that index.
We can construct a zero-order tensor with value 'a'
let t0 = tensorCreateDense [] (lam. 'a') in
utest tensorRank t0 with 0 in
utest tensorShape t0 with [] in
We can access and mutate elements in a tensor using
utest tensorSetExn t0 [] 'b' with () in
utest tensorGetExn t0 [] with 'b' in
The file contains a wide variety of useful tensor
functions. We can import it into a program using the include
keyword (more on this later). We can construct a rank 1
tensor (i.e. vector) as
include ""
let t1 = tensorCreateDense [9] (lam i. addi (get i 0) 1) in
utest tensorToSeqExn t1 with [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] in
where tensorToSeqExn
is defined in
We can reshape our rank 1 tensor into a rank 2 tensor (i.e. a matrix).
let t2 = tensorReshapeExn t1 [3, 3] in
Reshape does no copying and the data is shared between t1
and t2
tensorSetExn t2 [0, 0] 2;
utest tensorGetExn t1 [0] with 2 in
We can slice the second row from t2
let r2 = tensorSliceExn t2 [1] in
utest tensorToSeqExn r2 with [4, 5, 6] in
Slicing reduces the rank of the tensor
utest tensorRank r2 with 1 in
We can slice multiple dimensions at once
let e = tensorSliceExn t2 [1, 1] in
utest tensorGetExn e [] with 5 in
utest tensorRank e with 0 in
A slice shares data with the original tensor and no copying of data is done.
tensorMapInplace (lam. 0) r2;
utest tensorToSeqExn t1 with [2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9] in
where we use tensorMapInplace
We can get a subset of the rows of t2 by restricting its 0th dimension.
let s1 = tensorSubExn t2 1 2 in
utest tensorShape s1 with [2, 3] in
utest tensorToSeqExn (tensorReshapeExn s1 [6]) with [0, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9] in
A mutable reference to an MExpr value can be created with the ref
operator. For instance
let r = ref 3 in
allocates a reference to a cell in memory with an initial value 3
, and binds
the reference to the variable r
The deref
operator is used for dereferencing, that is, to read the value that
a reference points to:
let r = ref 3 in
utest deref r with 3 in ()
The value that a reference points to can be modified using the modref
let r = ref 3 in
modref r 4;
utest deref r with 4 in ()
Note that the return value of modref
is an MExpr unit value.
It is possible have aliases for the same memory cell by binding several variables to the same reference. As an example, in the program
let r1 = ref "A" in
let r2 = r1 in
modref r2 "B";
utest deref r1 with "B" in ()
the change made to the referenced value via the variable r2
is visible when
dereferencing the reference via the variable r1